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C. elegans Muscle Groups
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Michael Krause

Additional Author(s): Jun Liu

Published on SDB CoRe: Jul 3 2012

Organisms: Model Organisms; Invertebrates
Mesoderm-derived: Muscle
Organism: C. elegans
Stage of Development: Adult

Object Description

The major muscle groups of Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodites. The major muscle cell types in the hermaphrodite are shown schematically in this lateral view of the animal with anterior to the left and dorsal to the top. At top, are the 95 bodywall muscles (BWMs), the somatic muscle providing locomotive force for the animal. Dark red cells reflect the 81 embryonically derived cells with lighter red shading used to indicate the approximate location of the 14 post-embryonically derived cells. The BWM cells run in four quadrants along the length of the animal; only one side is schematized. At the bottom are several additional muscle cell groups. The pharynx (orange) pumps food into the gut while the enteric muscles (blue) control defecation. The egg-laying muscles are comprised of those controlling the opening of the vulva (vms, in green) and extrusion of zygotes by contraction of uterine muscles (purple). The only muscles of the hermaphrodite not depicted are the gonadal sheath cells. WIREs Dev Biol 2012. DOI: 10.1002/wdev.15


Krause, M., Liu, J. Somatic muscle specification during embryonic and post-embryonic development in the nematode C. elegans. WIREs Dev Biol, 2012, 1:203-214.

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